Saturday, June 29, 2013

We have just returned from our trip to Northern Haiti.  It was good chance to get to see all of our programs in action.  Our trip was 2 weeks long but it felt as if it was only a few days.  One of our first days, we had the opportunity to share the Gospel at the hospital in Cap Hatien, Haiti.  I do not believe that there is anything anyone can tell you to prepare you for a third world hospital.  We did have several professions of faith.  It was a privilege to hand out the hospital packs that many of our supporters had made.  To help someone in need is the greatest thing.

We participated in our monthly medical clinic in Dourvey Haiti.  Over 50 people were seen by the doctor.  Most patients
 were also given medications.  After Dourvey, the medical clinic was held at the Living Christ Orphanage where all the children & workers had a medical examination.  In the afternoon, children from the community were also see at the medical clinic.  At both clinics, Pastor's were present and sharing the Gospel.
The feeding program is seeing some great results in people coming to church for the meal.  They are now being fed spiritually as well as physically.  Around 700 meals are being served every month.   At our next board meeting, we will be talking about expanding this program to another village.  Committing to a program is something we encourage all our supporters to do.  This helps us plan a strategy as implementing these feeding programs takes a lot of planning & prayer.

The pig & goat program is a ongoing endeavor of ours to make a sustainable environment in Haiti.  All future animal recipients are required to have a training session.  This training is based on building a stronger & better animal than that is currently in Haiti.

One of my favorite programs is getting Gods word in to the hands of people that do not own a bible.  There are many people that can read, but do not own a bible. It was a great joy to hand out bibles to each orphan from a sponsor here in the states.  We were also able to hand out some bibles after the church service as well.  It is wonderful to see God's hand in all that we do,

We have a few new programs that we will be introducing very soon.  I promise to tell you about one of these right after our board meeting.  I think you will all like this program.

You Have A Choice Ministries, Inc