Monday, August 5, 2013

Facebook Page

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 We are proud to welcome Logan Miller as our newest board member.  Logan is joining us as a 3 year Director.  Logan is employed by the Tioga County Sheriff Department.  In his spare time, he enjoys hunting, home remodeling and traveling.  One of Logan's first duties he volunteered for, is increasing our fan base on our social network sites.  We are honored to have him join us.

The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.  Proverbs 16:9

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Haiti School Feeding Program

At our last board meeting, we had a great discussion as to what our goals were as a nonprofit.  It did boil down as our core focus was on feeding programs & sustainability through our goats,pig & rabbit programs.  We are continuing our programs, however we do want to emphasize our core goals.

With that said, we have expanded our feeding program to Galgal Haiti and are helping the King's Cross School.  Currently attendance is around 153 children.  The school does have a feeding program, when funds are available.  Missionaries, Jason & Ginger have done a wonderful job at keeping cost down while providing a nutritious meal.  We are committed to helping support this meal, so that the children get a meal everyday.  For many of the children, this is the only meal they will eat that day.

I would like everyone to think about that for a moment.  Can you imagine not having the money to feed your children.  What does that do for a child's development?  All of us  in first world countries eat out.  Could we skip one meal a month & put this money towards helping these children?  Are we faithful servants of the blessing we have received?

I am asking if at all possible, would you partner along with us and make this feeding program a success by feeding every child a meal on each school day of the year.  If we all skipped one meal or did not eat one meal out a month, we could easily pay for this program.

As a way to jump start this program, we are offering this great, You Have A Choice Ministries t-shirt to anyone who donates $100 or more to this.  Donations can be made at

Saturday, August 3, 2013

You Have A Choice Ministries - VBS Video

Grace Point Church Vacation Bible School  Vestal NY  One of the videos we shared.  Just kind of some fun pics on this video

VBS Video = Grace Point Church Vestal NY

Another video that we share at vacation bible school.  Was a fun time looking at the kids faces as they watched video.

We had the opportunity to share our ministry with the vacation bible school of Grace Point Church in Vestal NY.  We shared each day a little part about Haiti & the various projects we have.  After that we shared a short picture video.  The children shared their change everyday & by the end of the week, had collected enough money to purchase 23 goats for some poor families in Haiti.