Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jan 1, 2014 Newsletter

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been reflecting on our ministries activities for the past year. While doing this, I am in such amazement on how God has used us to do some amazing things. With the Lord as the center of our ministry. He has opened every door for us to do His will. From working with our full time missionaries to implementing new programs, God has laid out our direction. What our Lord has in store for us in 2014, we do not know. Whatever His plan are for us, we will be there to serve Him.

We can not move forward without mentioning a very important part of our ministry, this part is You!!!. We are so thankful for your support and prayers over the past year. Without you, we could not do what we do. For that, we thank you. On behalf of all of us at You Have A Choice Ministries, we would like to wish you all a blessed new year.
Steven P. Sager

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths   Proverbs 3:6

Highlights Of 2013
  • Started school lunch program at Kings Cross School in Galgal, Haiti
  • Vacation Bible School Grace Point Church goat project
  • Vacation Bible School Potsdam Nazarene Church goat project
  • Christmas gift giving catalog
2014 plans
  • Mission trip to central Haiti
  • Water product in northern Haiti
  • Distribution of animals
  • Projects at orphanages
  • Bibles, tract outreach

Bibles & Outreach
One of our core programs has been providing Bibles to Christian that do not have a Bible. We are expanding this outreach to do more to reach lost souls at whatever means. We have committed to do more in this area. From providing creole and spanish tracts, Bibles and hymn books. Creole Bibles are $19, hymn books are $10. Any help with this greatly appreciated. Help us reach the lost.

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  Mark 16:15

Mission Trip April 2014
As with our other mission trips, we would like to bring supplies with us for the school children. Some people have asked us what we will be bringing, so here is a short list. Items needed, toothbrushes, toothpaste, boys & girls underwear, vitamins with iron, pencils & sharpeners, stickers, socks. If you can help with any of these things, it would be greatly appreciated.  

Size Has Its Advantages
As a smaller ministry. we often think about the things we could do if we had a huge supporter base like the large corporations do. However size does matter. As a smaller organization, we can do many things that are not possible with large organizations. We can provide pictures of your donation at work, to see the actual goat you purchased being gifted to a family. We can put a face to someone receiving there only meal of the day. We can see the smile of the widow receiving her very own Bible. We can see a 13 year old orphan getting a shirt, his first ever new piece of clothing. We know most of our supporters by their name. We can answer your questions and provide details of the individuals served. So yes, size does matter. Remember 100 percent of your donation goes right to work improving the life's of the Haitian people. All administration cost are paid for personally by the board of directors.