Sunday, July 12, 2015

This past week we had registration for the 2015-2016 school year at King's Cross School.   We had a huge turnout of people.  Last year we had 180 registered student.  This year we had 230 register.  This creates a huge problem for our ministry.  If we enroll all these students, we will need to hire an additional teacher as well as a couple teacher aids.  The additional students would put a hurting to our lunch program budget.  In addition, more bench/desk would need to be purchased.  Also a lot more school books and supplies.  This has caused a panic for us as we do not have the extra money in our budget.

One option would be to cap our enrollment and a certain number and not worry about those kids that are denied enrollment to the school.  This clearly is not the route I choose.  How will we pay for this?  This has been troubling us since last week.

Another option is to allow all students to attend and raise the approximately additional $600 a month needed.  This raises the question again of how to raise that additional money needed.  In the perfect world, all our school students would be sponsored.  This would cover much of the school expenses.  Sadly we do not live in a perfect world and many of the kids need sponsors.

Our strong faith does play a huge roll in the decisions we will make.  Going with our current budget, we could deny the extra kids and proceed with life as normal.  This would mean 50 children a day would most likely not eat.  This would mean 50 kids probably will not hear the Gospel.  If we follow our faith, we can believe that the Lord will meet our needs and proceed with ministering to the people of Galgal Haiti.

To sponsor a child at $10 per month, you can do so at Child Sponsorship

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