Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sandy Hook School Shooting

It is hard to understand what it must feel like to have lost a loved one in this senseless school shooting. Personally, I do not know anyone that lost anyone in this tragedy.  I however am saddened, sickened & in shock over the events this past Friday.  My heart goes out to the Families that are directly affected by this.  I am also thinking of the first responders that have had to see this gruesome scene.  Surely this will leave scars on the heart of all the responders.

I do not have any answers to this.  I do not know of anything that I can say.

But to everyone that is affected by this, please do know that we are praying for you & our hearts are with you.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Haiti Pig Program

Well the numbers are in.  We had a total of 15 pigs purchased by individual sponsors.   Those 15 pigs were matched by a generous donor.  What a great Christmas present to many families in D'Ourvey Haiti.  I would like to thank each & everyone for your support & prayers.  I never imagined that we would have seen that many pigs in the few days that this matching gift was being offered.

Once again, Thank you all.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Pig Project Sponsorship

Just a update.  Our goal is 13 sponsors for a pig or goat.  This will provide 26 pigs for these needy families.  As of Today, We have 6 Sponsors for our pigs.  7 more to go!!!  We have till midnight on Wednesday Dec 12th for the matching pig.  Thats right, $45 will provide for 2 pigs in D'Ourvey Haiti.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Haiti Pig Project - Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Super great news to report Today.  One of our Ministry friends & supporters has made a offer for our group.  We have a pig & goat project that from time to time, we purchase a goat or pig for a needy family in D'Ourvey Haiti.  This is a huge help to a family in need.  Our friend has offered to match each gift of a pig or goat purchased through Wednesday.  What a blessing this is for families at Christmas.  Our friend has asked us to not reveal his name.

We are able to purchase these animals in Haiti for $45 each.    So for ever pig or goat purchased, you are getting 2..  As with everything in our ministry, 100 percent of all funds go directly to the desired program that the donor chooses.

If you have considered this at anytime, now is the time to act.  If you know someone who would like to support this, send them our way.  This offer is good till Wednesday from our friend.  Thank you in advance for your support & prayers.  Lets make this a huge event happen!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Haiti's Filthy Money

 Haiti's currency, the gourde, has a penchant for filthiness.
 Some bills in circulation are so covered with grime that the denominations are no
 longer visible. Frequently, the dark green, purple and red gourdes are sticky to the
 touch and carry a distinct odor.  Touching Haitian money can be hazardous to one's
 health, and anyone handling these bills is advised to give his or her hands a
 good scrubbing before handling food.
 Then again, food actually is part of the problem.
 `What happens is, the street vendors exchange the money while they're handling
 their food, so it gets all over the currency.

These are printed with dark colors to make it harder to see the dirt.''
 With an average income of only about $300 a year, Haitians typically compound
 the money problem by stashing their cash reserves in private places where
 muggers are less likely to find them.  After spending some sweaty hours hidden in a shoe, tucked in a bra or hidden into a waistband, even the newest bill quickly acquires the undeniable
 status of yucky.  Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere, lacks the financial resources to
 retire older bills once they've become too worn out.   Meanwhile,
 newly printed bills are being placed into circulation by the Central Bank.
 But the lending institutions responsible for keeping Haiti afloat
 financially are threatening to withhold aid if the practice continues, saying it is
 diluting the gourde's value to the point of worthlessness. So most Haitians are
 stuck with the nasty old paper.

 A trip down any street in the Haiti shows exactly how a clean bill
 acquires the appearance of a mechanic's cleaning rag.
 Street vendors overflow the sidewalks, selling everything from grimy used tires
 and greasy car parts to imported jewelry and perfumes. Entire sections of the city
 have been taken over by shantytowns, consisting of tented shops during the day
 that are converted into dwellings at night.  With no plumbing, the inhabitants wash themselves in ditch water, which almost always carries raw sewage.

`The vast majority of business is conducted on the streets, not in
 banks or stores. The currency is handled by so, so many people every day.''

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Haiti thoughts

As we have entered the month of December, I wanted to pause and think of the things of the past year.  A year ago, The thought of a nonprofit was only that.  I wanted to do something but what.  Fast forward to a July trip in Haiti.  At that point I just knew that there was something I was going to do for the people in Haiti.  After prayerful days & nights, You Have a Choice Ministries was becoming more than a dream.  Unsure what way to go, I just decided to move forward, knowing that God was leading me on this.  Many people asked why, and the only answer I can come up with is following what God was leading me to do.  If I listened to everyone around me, this would never have happened.  Instead, I chose to follow God.  What is amazing is that I did not have any worry or hesitations, even though my support network of friends was not that supportive.

Even Today, with the great things that we are doing in Haiti, there is still negativity from people.  Some people do not want to help because its outside of our country.  How someones heart can be so hardened to a child suffering from malnutrition is something I will never understand.  To see a family that has not had anything to eat in days & be able to turn your back on that is so saddening to me.  The bible is filled with versus that talk about how we are to help the poor. "He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deed" Prov 19:17  I believe our God will hold people accountable for this.

I have not yet figured out numbers for the year, but guessing that about 600 plus individuals meals have been served to the kids in D'Ourvey Haiti.  This does not count December.  We have another medical clinic scheduled just before Christmas.  I am guessing about 30 people will be seen at this clinic.  Last months clinic saw 31 people who would not have seen a doctor had it not been for this clinic.

Truly exciting times for me by being involved in this ministry.  To be a part of it from the start and see the doors that God has opened.  In closing, just need to thank everyone for their prayers & support that have made this happen.  Our work is just beginning, as we do not know what the next adventure that God will involve us in. I do know that He deserves all the credit & I thank Him for choosing me to be a part of this.