Sunday, December 2, 2012

Haiti thoughts

As we have entered the month of December, I wanted to pause and think of the things of the past year.  A year ago, The thought of a nonprofit was only that.  I wanted to do something but what.  Fast forward to a July trip in Haiti.  At that point I just knew that there was something I was going to do for the people in Haiti.  After prayerful days & nights, You Have a Choice Ministries was becoming more than a dream.  Unsure what way to go, I just decided to move forward, knowing that God was leading me on this.  Many people asked why, and the only answer I can come up with is following what God was leading me to do.  If I listened to everyone around me, this would never have happened.  Instead, I chose to follow God.  What is amazing is that I did not have any worry or hesitations, even though my support network of friends was not that supportive.

Even Today, with the great things that we are doing in Haiti, there is still negativity from people.  Some people do not want to help because its outside of our country.  How someones heart can be so hardened to a child suffering from malnutrition is something I will never understand.  To see a family that has not had anything to eat in days & be able to turn your back on that is so saddening to me.  The bible is filled with versus that talk about how we are to help the poor. "He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deed" Prov 19:17  I believe our God will hold people accountable for this.

I have not yet figured out numbers for the year, but guessing that about 600 plus individuals meals have been served to the kids in D'Ourvey Haiti.  This does not count December.  We have another medical clinic scheduled just before Christmas.  I am guessing about 30 people will be seen at this clinic.  Last months clinic saw 31 people who would not have seen a doctor had it not been for this clinic.

Truly exciting times for me by being involved in this ministry.  To be a part of it from the start and see the doors that God has opened.  In closing, just need to thank everyone for their prayers & support that have made this happen.  Our work is just beginning, as we do not know what the next adventure that God will involve us in. I do know that He deserves all the credit & I thank Him for choosing me to be a part of this.

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