Saturday, June 7, 2014

Haiti Nonprofit - Letter from The President

Many of life's greatest things are things that money can not buy. Quality time with friends and family. Making memories that lasts a lifetime. I have been fortunate in life, having had a supportive family and the opportunity to try my hand at many things. There have been many successes as long with many failures. However, if we learn from these things, they can be all used for good. God works in much the same way. He gives us many blessings in life, many we not even aware of. He also lets us fail at many things. These too, are to be meant for our spiritual growth.

  I am often reminded of how God can use anyone to bring Him glory. How God has used four men in our ministry to do some amazing things. Everyone of us in our ministry is a nobody. None of us have any great talents, but God uses us. None of us are great leaders, but God uses us. None of us are scholars, but God uses us. None of us have any bible schooling, but God uses us.

  Why does God use us? I believe He uses us as we seek out His will and guidance in all we do in ministry. God has opened so many doors in this ministry, making it very easy for us to do His will. Our Lord has a plan for each and everyone of you. Be obedient and let Him guide your path.

Steven Sager
You Have A Choice Ministries, Inc

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