Sunday, November 9, 2014

This past month we had something that was very discouraging as well encouraging for us.  Through some common contacts, a man contacted us for assistance with his orphanage in Haiti.  Now our ministry does not just run out and help people due to their need.  Yes it would be nice to help out everyone, however we do not have the resources to do so.  Also, we need to do our due diligence about anything we will be spending money on.  This orphanage needed help in feeding the kids.  I contacted several supporters of this organization and they stood by the director in charge.  Upon further study, things were not adding up to us.  Things did not seem as being on par to what he was saying.  We did more checks and found out that this orphanage does not exist anymore.  The director was using pictures from another orphanage.  This all happened during a time that our missionaries we work with were on break in the USA and not able to visit this facility.  I was shocked as well as deeply hurt as this gentleman was constantly referring to God about being a blessing to everyone.

In the end, I was comforted in the fact that through our due diligence, we were able to expose this scam.  We also contacted other organizations that were unknowingly helping out this con artist.  They followed up on our research and have since stopped all funds.  Whatever organizations you support, please be sure they are constantly checking on their projects.

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