Friday, November 23, 2012

Feeding Program - Haiti

Still bothered by the craziness during the holiday season.  My wife & daughter were out shopping at midnight last night.  Think for my daughter it was more of the shopping in the middle of the night than the actual shopping itself.  Myself, I was in dreamland with my girls at my side.  One weighs 110 pounds & the other weighs 70 pounds.  A yellow & black lab.

Still have thoughts of what we spend on Christmas. The thought of hungry people in D'Ourvey that are in survival mode.  To not have anything to eat is horrible.  To have nothing for your children must be the worse.  As our missionary asked one day, do the kids become competition for food? Sure is a thought provoking question.  I read something earlier from a Haitian woman who was giving her kids coffee as it quieted the stomach down as she had no food to feed.

God is faithful & all things work for the glory of God.  Sure is difficult for me at times.  To see someone slowly starving is gut wrenching for me.  How this works for God is beyond my simple comprehension.

When this ministry was started, I truly felt God pushing me to get going, get this started.  He has been faithful all along.  The thoughts of starting medical clinic seemed to far out, but God was saying it is the time.  Worried about raising the funds in 6 weeks & within a week, it was fully funded.  I feel the same about our new Sunday Feeding program that we want to start next month.  At the present time, have nothing for this & am worried.  Why am I worrying, has God not provided?  Not at all.  Please pray for me to stay focused & to Trust my savior.

We have our website looking decent.  If you haven't looked in awhile, check it out.  I am pretty happy how it has turned out.  Trying to drive more traffic to the site.  If anyone has any ideas, drop me a email.

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