Tuesday, January 1, 2013

As 2012 is behind us, I thought I would reflect & share on this past year. We became incorporated at the end of August. Immediately we started working with missionary Julienne, who is our eyes & ears in Haiti, directly overseeing all of our projects. We have unofficially adopted the poor farming village of D'Ourvey Haiti to be our starting village. Since August, We have started 2 different feeding programs. The Saturday program was the first project we started. This fed the school children a weekend meal as we found out that many kids were not eating on the weekend. Later in the year, We started a Sunday program that anyone was welcome to attend. This was done at the church, feeding the villagers both spiritually & physically. Through these 2 feeding programs, We have been able to provide approximately 750 individual meals since we started.

In November, we were able to start a medical clinic using Dr Reginald Kreolle, who travels to Haiti once a month for 2 separate medical clinics. Through this clinic, 65 people have been seen & treated for various ailments. Many of these people had never seen a medical doctor in their life. Many of the patients are being treated with medicine that we were able to purchase from a catholic medical agency in the Dominican Republic at deep discounted prices. The clinic & the medicine is provided free of charge to these people.

In December, We were blessed by a anonymous sponsor who agreed to a matching contribution for each pig that someone sponsored in our pig program. We had a great response to that with 15 pigs donated by sponsors & the additional matching pigs. What a great blessing this is for this very poor village.

We have sought God's Guidance with our ministry & let him open and close the doors. At times, some things do not seem to make sense, but we have learned to trust him. I can bring myself to tears thinking how he has blessed our ministry. I do not know what direction 2013 will lead us, But I am sure it will continue to be a blessing as much for us as it is to those that we serve.

In closing, I would like to thank everyone for your support this past year. Your financial support, prayers, thoughts, ideas, conversation & friendship is what made this all happen. From all of us at You Have A Choice Ministries, Thank you & We wish you a Blessed New Year!!

You Have A Choice Ministries, Inc

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