Monday, January 7, 2013

Bois De Lance Haiti

As we move forward in the new year, We are getting ready to help an additional community in Northern Haiti.  This community is Bois De Lance Haiti.  This is a very poor area where people farm & do what they can to survive.  There is building that is being built that is the church as well as the school.  The pastor of this Baptist Church is Pastor Cadet.  A very loving & caring man.  The church/school is building in progress, when they have the funds, they buy a few more blocks.  The building does not yet have a roof or a floor.  One of our fellow ministries has donated some tarps that are currently being used as their roof.  Around 80 children are attending the school.  There currently is not any type of lunch provided.  Many of these children are going days without any form of nourishment.    Most of the teachers are all volunteers, not receiving any money for the teaching of these children.

As you can see, there are many needs in Bois De Lance.  There are many logistical things that need to be worked out.  We are asking for prayer as we decide where to begin. Please pray for wisdom for our board in making decisions that glorify God & do his will in this community.

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