Sunday, November 9, 2014

The newest missionaries we are working with have arrived in Haiti.  Jay & Dena arrived on Friday and are getting settled in.  Look forward to working with them in Galgal Haiti.  To give it all to God and be obedient is a wonderful thing.

One project that will begin soon is the building of the cooking building.  Glad to have raised the funds for this to happen.  We have some of the best supporters around.  Thank you all for making this happen.
This past month we had something that was very discouraging as well encouraging for us.  Through some common contacts, a man contacted us for assistance with his orphanage in Haiti.  Now our ministry does not just run out and help people due to their need.  Yes it would be nice to help out everyone, however we do not have the resources to do so.  Also, we need to do our due diligence about anything we will be spending money on.  This orphanage needed help in feeding the kids.  I contacted several supporters of this organization and they stood by the director in charge.  Upon further study, things were not adding up to us.  Things did not seem as being on par to what he was saying.  We did more checks and found out that this orphanage does not exist anymore.  The director was using pictures from another orphanage.  This all happened during a time that our missionaries we work with were on break in the USA and not able to visit this facility.  I was shocked as well as deeply hurt as this gentleman was constantly referring to God about being a blessing to everyone.

In the end, I was comforted in the fact that through our due diligence, we were able to expose this scam.  We also contacted other organizations that were unknowingly helping out this con artist.  They followed up on our research and have since stopped all funds.  Whatever organizations you support, please be sure they are constantly checking on their projects.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 2014 Newsletter

logotextbelow.jpgJULY 2014 NEWSLETTER

Presidents Corner

As we enter July, school has been dismissed for the summer in Haiti, ministry work for the school does not stop however. This summer an additional school building is in the process of being built at King's Cross school. This new building  will be a welcome addition to the older children who have been having classes in a temporary building. One of our summer projects has been to furnish this school building with bench's/desks. Perhaps on a future trip, we might even have the opportunity to paint this building. God has been abundantly faithful to our ministry by providing for all our needs for these projects placed before us. As we have said many times, we are so thankful for each & everyone of you who have encouraged us, supported us & prayed for us. You are our ministry & through you, God has shined His light upon Haiti.

Acts 20:35 - "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive"

Faithful servants in Christ,

Steven P. Sager

New Board Member
We would like to welcome Louis B. Bernardini as our newest board member Lou is a retired Endicott firemen. Louis is married to Kathy, & they have 4 grown children & many grandchildren. It is truly an honor to have Lou on our board.

1 Peter 3:15- "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"

King’s Cross School
King's Cross school in Galgal, Haiti will be completing its newest class room building this year. We have committed to furnishing this school with the bench/desk. They are $50 each & are handcrafted in Haiti by local craftsmen. As of the writing of this newsletter, we have raised support for almost all of the these desks. We are inquiring what else is needed before classes resume in the fall.  We would like to get any of these school projects fully funded by the end of July.

Isaiah 54:13- "All your children will be taught by the Lord,and great will be their peace"

Solar Bible Players
We are still trying to find reasonably priced solar charged Bible players. As of yet, we have not had any success. We are still searching for what we need at a cost we can afford.

Romans 5:8- " But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"

Haiti News
Haiti as well as much of the Caribbean has been hit hard. This latest mosquito borne disease is chikungunya. This disease causes a rash, fever & excruciating joint pain. The good news is, it is rarely fatal. The symptoms last for approximately 1 week.

Psalm 27:1- "The Lord is my light and my salvation
whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?"

Goat Project
Our goat project is making a huge impact on the lives of the Haitians. The extra income produced by selling offspring from the goats now is providing many families with the much needed money to purchase food. This project is ongoing year round. Goats can be purchased for $45 & it will be donated to a family in need.

Donations can be made online at:  or on our Facebook page:
Checks can also be mailed to :
You Have A Choice Ministries, Inc
P.O. Box 46
Conklin, NY 13748


           $50 School Furnishings
           School feeding program each meal cost .18 cents
            $19 Haitian Creole Bible
            Wherever needed the most
_____ $45 Goat
_____$85  Pair of Rabbits with Hutch & Food
_____$300 Dourvey Haiti Weekly Village Feeding Program
_____$100 Week of School Lunches at King’s Cross School
_____$200 Week of School Lunches At Desab School
_____$400 Month of School Lunches At King’s Cross School
_____$800 Month of School Lunches at Desab School


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Haiti Nonprofit - Letter from The President

Many of life's greatest things are things that money can not buy. Quality time with friends and family. Making memories that lasts a lifetime. I have been fortunate in life, having had a supportive family and the opportunity to try my hand at many things. There have been many successes as long with many failures. However, if we learn from these things, they can be all used for good. God works in much the same way. He gives us many blessings in life, many we not even aware of. He also lets us fail at many things. These too, are to be meant for our spiritual growth.

  I am often reminded of how God can use anyone to bring Him glory. How God has used four men in our ministry to do some amazing things. Everyone of us in our ministry is a nobody. None of us have any great talents, but God uses us. None of us are great leaders, but God uses us. None of us are scholars, but God uses us. None of us have any bible schooling, but God uses us.

  Why does God use us? I believe He uses us as we seek out His will and guidance in all we do in ministry. God has opened so many doors in this ministry, making it very easy for us to do His will. Our Lord has a plan for each and everyone of you. Be obedient and let Him guide your path.

Steven Sager
You Have A Choice Ministries, Inc

Racism Biblical View

Question: What does the Bible say about racism, prejudice, and discrimination?

Answer: The first thing to understand in this discussion is there is only one race"the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Jews are not different races. Rather, they are different ethnicities of the human race. All human beings have the same physical characteristics (with minor variations, of course). More importantly, all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to lay down His life for us (John 3:16). The "world" obviously includes all ethnic groups.

God does not show partiality or favoritism (Deuteronomy 10:17; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9), and neither should we. James 2:4 describes those who discriminate as "judges with evil thoughts." Instead, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves (James 2:8). In the Old Testament, God divided humanity into two "racial" groups: Jews and Gentiles. God's intent was for the Jews to be a kingdom of priests, ministering to the Gentile nations. Instead, for the most part, the Jews became proud of their status and despised the Gentiles. Jesus Christ put an end to this, destroying the dividing wall of hostility (Ephesians 2:14). All forms of racism, prejudice, and discrimination are affronts to the work of Christ on the cross.

Jesus commands us to love one another as He loves us (John 13:34). If God is impartial and loves us with impartiality, then we need to love others with that same high standard. Jesus teaches in Matthew 25 that whatever we do to the least of His brothers, we do to Him. If we treat a person with contempt, we are mistreating a person created in God's image; we are hurting somebody whom God loves and for whom Jesus died.

Racism, in varying forms and to various degrees, has been a plague on humanity for thousands of years. Brothers and sisters of all ethnicities, this should not be. Victims of racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to forgive. Ephesians 4:32 declares, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Racists may not deserve your forgiveness, but we deserved God's forgiveness far less. Those who practice racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to repent. "Present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God" (Romans 6:13). May Galatians 3:28 be completely realized, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jan 1, 2014 Newsletter

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been reflecting on our ministries activities for the past year. While doing this, I am in such amazement on how God has used us to do some amazing things. With the Lord as the center of our ministry. He has opened every door for us to do His will. From working with our full time missionaries to implementing new programs, God has laid out our direction. What our Lord has in store for us in 2014, we do not know. Whatever His plan are for us, we will be there to serve Him.

We can not move forward without mentioning a very important part of our ministry, this part is You!!!. We are so thankful for your support and prayers over the past year. Without you, we could not do what we do. For that, we thank you. On behalf of all of us at You Have A Choice Ministries, we would like to wish you all a blessed new year.
Steven P. Sager

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths   Proverbs 3:6

Highlights Of 2013
  • Started school lunch program at Kings Cross School in Galgal, Haiti
  • Vacation Bible School Grace Point Church goat project
  • Vacation Bible School Potsdam Nazarene Church goat project
  • Christmas gift giving catalog
2014 plans
  • Mission trip to central Haiti
  • Water product in northern Haiti
  • Distribution of animals
  • Projects at orphanages
  • Bibles, tract outreach

Bibles & Outreach
One of our core programs has been providing Bibles to Christian that do not have a Bible. We are expanding this outreach to do more to reach lost souls at whatever means. We have committed to do more in this area. From providing creole and spanish tracts, Bibles and hymn books. Creole Bibles are $19, hymn books are $10. Any help with this greatly appreciated. Help us reach the lost.

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  Mark 16:15

Mission Trip April 2014
As with our other mission trips, we would like to bring supplies with us for the school children. Some people have asked us what we will be bringing, so here is a short list. Items needed, toothbrushes, toothpaste, boys & girls underwear, vitamins with iron, pencils & sharpeners, stickers, socks. If you can help with any of these things, it would be greatly appreciated.  

Size Has Its Advantages
As a smaller ministry. we often think about the things we could do if we had a huge supporter base like the large corporations do. However size does matter. As a smaller organization, we can do many things that are not possible with large organizations. We can provide pictures of your donation at work, to see the actual goat you purchased being gifted to a family. We can put a face to someone receiving there only meal of the day. We can see the smile of the widow receiving her very own Bible. We can see a 13 year old orphan getting a shirt, his first ever new piece of clothing. We know most of our supporters by their name. We can answer your questions and provide details of the individuals served. So yes, size does matter. Remember 100 percent of your donation goes right to work improving the life's of the Haitian people. All administration cost are paid for personally by the board of directors.