Friday, November 2, 2012

Haiti Feeding Program D'Ourvay

 At the end of September we started a Saturday feeding program that provides a meal for the poor children in the village of D'Ourvay.  Many of these kids were not eating anything all weekend.  They would eat one hot meal at school Monday through Friday.  I find it such a honor & blessing to be able to help this program.  I have spent a lot of time pondering what this must be like.  I can honestly say that I never have been hungry. Sure I have missed a meal & felt hungry, but never have I went days without eating.  I think that must be a awful feeling.  Probably one of the things that is worse than that is to watch your hungry children.  As our missionary friend Julienne once asked, Does the child become competition for food?  How would you react to that?  I think its a question that we can not answer until you have been in that position.  But in Haiti, this is a daily occurrence.

I was kind of surprised on my Haiti trip to find out that many kids in orphanages are not orphans in the sense I knew.  Many kids in Haitian orphanages have parents.  Sure there are many that do not, however many do.  The parents can not afford them & send them off to orphanage with the hope of being a better place.  A place with food & a place that has clothing etc.  Again, something else that I can not grasp.  What a feeling that must be.  Is it a sorrow, in that you losing your kid or is it a joy that your kid will be cared for with food, clothing & shelter.

Many of these things I will never understand.  I do know however that I can help. I can provide for feeding a village, one meal at a time.  No child should have to go hungry.   I do Have a Choice & You Have A Choice.

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