Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Haiti Miracle

As I sit in my living room on this Thanksgiving eve, I think about all the many blessing that God has given me.  I thought I would share this letter I received this evening from the missionary we work with in Haiti. Julienne is such a blessing to our ministry.  She is always ready for any challenge & has a heart for Jesus & the work she does in Northern Haiti.  The following is the letter in its entirety.

Let me start with this phrase in from Nehemiah 2:8 ...... And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me.God's gracious hand is so upon this boy. 

I went with a fellow Christian in Haiti t
o the Haitian Hospital to share the Gospel. 
This hospital is very poor. No food is provide, no medication, no sheets on the beds, no cleaning of the hospital. If you are poor you go to lay in a bed and suffer and if a Doctor has a stirring in his heart to help you, he stops and assists with the little means they have. This hospital has no specialist just general practitioners.

That day I share the gospel with many people, and 5 of them gave their lives to the Lord. Landy was the last person that I shared the gospel with that day. He accepted Christ as his savior and within moments of praying the head nurse came to me and said, "Please help Landy. Give me something so we can get him some food today. " A Heart for Haiti Mission is small and has a very small budget but we do all through the Lord and our Lord is grand indeed!"

At that time I had no funds nor care packets nor anything available for the people in the hospital. I had gone to bring God's word. I explained to the nurse that I came prepared to share the gospel and pray with the patient that day, and could not give anything. 

She shared Landy's situation: He has to beg everyday for food while he is hospitalized, she shared that as a child with the burns, people give to him, but as an adult he will end up in a very difficult life and he would need experts to treat him and help him. I told her I would do my best for Landy and would be back in touch with her. She was fearful of this as she said many groups have promised this but none follow through.

And this is where God is permitting us to see His amazing love for Landy . She shared of the circumstances that led to his burns. He was in a “Mardi Gras” parade a year and a half ago, “Mardi Gras” is a satanist event in Haiti. Landy was wearing a costume representing an evil spirit. Two young boys were afraid of Landy and did not realize that a person was in the costume and they threw gasoline on the costume and set it on fire. 

Upon hearing the story I turned to Landy who is 12 and asked him if he knew what the parade he was in was about? I explained to him that it was to worship evil and that he was hurt in this evil event but that today he had accepted Christ as his savior and that he now had Victory in Jesus.
I instructed Landy to pray and pray fervently to God for his future life because God listen's to his children, which he now is. 

And from here forth A Heart for Haiti Missions has been witnessing God's good hand upon Landy. God's gracious love. God's fulfillment of His promises to His child! Shriner's accepted to help him. We did not have the funds available to send him to the United States but we asked churches for prayer and we prayed also that we may find the means by which to do so. After one week a friends name came to mind to share this story with and within 10 minutes, he answered back saying that they had all the funds we needed for Landy's trip to and for his stay in the United States as well as fees for proper documentation.

The most challenging part has been to find a host family to accept to care for Landy while he was in the U.S. receiving surgery. Deb (co-founder of A Heart for Haiti Mission) and I, diligently worked at finding a family for him. Deb got in touch with the organization Love a Child who recommended us to contact a particular family in Maine. This is what the family wrote to us. “I always work with a trustworthy liaison, and Love-A-Child's say- so is good enough to make you, Julienne my new liaison! 

All things being in God’s most excellent timing, he provided us with this Christian host family, that has not only accepted to care for Landy, but they also have previously worked with 8 other children from Haiti and the Dominican Republic. They know the in’s and outs of us getting the documentation for Landy to go to Shriners as well as to care for him during his stay in the United States. This is an excerpt of the letter they sent us: 

“I will be at bedside at the hospital always 24/7 with this child, and will act as liaison to get needs met in the most expedient and fiscally responsible manner without sacrificing quality. There are local physicians + friends who also donate help/supplies for unforeseen circumstances and I will utilize what I can as needed. In addition, I will actively teach this child English and I want you to let him know he is expected to be cooperative. We will reinforce that God has a plan for his life and even at this young age he should seek God to find out what that is. We let the kids know how rare it is to get these operations and how God's hand had to be in the arrangements. We always provide a holy bible, when available in their language to return with. We believe the children sent to us will lead in some manner in their homeland...some way. We want to do our part to prepare all of them.” 

God moved the nurse to approach us to help Landy and God moved our hearts to help. On the same day that Landy accepted Christ and he said, "yes". 

We still need prayer for all documents to be sent and received speedily and for ease of getting plane tickets and for travel. 

God Bless! The Lord is so beautiful and faithful and amazing.

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