Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Unusual Haiti

One of the things about Haiti that I truly enjoy is the way that some people make money.  Some things that we take for granted in the US is not so common in Haiti.

To need a generator to make a copy of something.  Again, most of us can do this right in our own home.  I do not know what a copy cost to be done in Haiti.

If you need a wrecker, you can always hire these guys.  I am sure that it cost much less than your neighborhood towing company.

It is hard for anyone from a developed country to imagine some of the things that are done.  Sometimes you just shake your head and say what the heck.  Other times you look at these hard working people and just want to cry.

We like to share pictures on our facebook to show the way things are in Haiti.  Like us on  facebook, You Have A Choice Ministries, Inc.. & visit our website at Nonprofit Haiti Mission   A lot of people have been to Haiti and have their own pics like these.  For someone who has never been, its hard to imagine

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