Sunday, November 4, 2012

Medical Clinic - D'Ourvay Haiti

A Medical Clinic is being started in D'Ourvay Haiti.  This is a very poor village in Northern Haiti.  There are no medical doctors in this area. We have raised the funds & Dr Reginald Kerolle from the Dominican Republic has agreed to come to this village with missionary Julienne Lebrun to have a medical clinic in this village.  Many of these people have never seen a  medical doctor.  It is a common thing for these people to have distended bellies, caused by worms & parasite.  This is easily treated when properly diagnosed by the doctor. A large percentage of the people are also malnourished, due to lack of food and resources.  Through our feeding programs, we are slowly addressing this issue.  A large part of the medical clinic also addresses educational aspects of good hygiene, washing hands, proper use of vitamins and general accepted sanitation standards.

Our initial goal is to be able to have this medical clinic on a quarterly basis.  We would love to do this monthly, however funds do not allow this at this time.  As our ministry grows, perhaps that will be accomplished. These clinics are much cheaper to run in Haiti than in our developed country, however it still has the same cost for drugs etc..

It is exciting to watch how the Lord is leading our ministry.  It is amazing how He lines things up & Opens doors for us.  As we move forward with this program, I would like to ask for prayer that His will be done.  If you feel the Lord placing this ministry on your heart, won't you consider partnering up with us.  After all, You Have A Choice..

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