Friday, November 9, 2012

Thinking about Haiti

Sitting quietly in my living room, pondering our future of this ministry.  Try to be obedient to God & follow him on his time.  Very difficult for me, if its from years in the business world where I made a decision and than jumped head  first in to it.  Still in awe at how God has opened so many doors on this ministry.  Why I must question him is something I need to stop doing.

I think it is a valuable lesson to everyone who follows our ministry that if you are following Gods lead, it does not matter what anyone else says or does to try to stop you, He will provide everything.

I am very anxious to hear from our missionary friend Julienne & Dr Reg.  They were conducting our first medical clinic in the village of D'Ourvey.  Hoping that it was a success.  Hard to imagine that there are a lot of people in this village that have never seen a medical doctor.  I hope that it was a success & look forward to having another clinic in a few months.  A true blessing these people are to our ministry.

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