Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Haiti = Our First Medical Clinic

We had our first medical clinic this past week.  Very exciting from raising the money to hearing the exact details how how everything played out.  Julienne gave a very detailed report & thought I would share some of the highlights.

Very difficult to get to the village of D'Ourvey Haiti.  Roads are horrible & really bad now after all the rain.  They were able to get to the village in the vehicle.  There was talk that they might have to get in by horse as the road was water covered.  They were met by the Pastor's wife.  She had a outbuilding from the church that was set up to run the clinic.

Many people thought the clinic would be canceled as they didnt believe the doctor would be able to make it in.  There was a total of 31 people seen as the clinic.  Various medical issue from head fungus to high blood pressure.

Many meds were given out.  The clinic and all medicine was free of charge to all patients.  The cost of everything was paid by You Have A Choice Ministries.  We are delighted to be a part of helping our brothers & sisters of Haiti.  If funds allow, we are planning to have another clinic in December.

We pray that God will provide the funding for this much needed medical clinic.  We would like to thank Dr Kerolle for assisting us with this clinic.  Together, We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  Thank You & God Bless

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