Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving - Mind on Haiti

Turkey is in the oven, Watching Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.  Watching this parade, I wonder how much money is spent on this all. It does bother me to some degree.  Perhaps it is because I know first hand of people in Northern Haiti that are suffering from malnutrition.  Can someone who does have enough funds to buy a cup or two of rice for the family understand how we waste away so much money on entertainment.  Things we spend money on just for ha ha's.  I guess they can not understand anymore than us understanding what its like to have zero and the kids are hungry.  What would you do in that situation?  Can you comprehend what its like to be hungry.  Not talking skipping lunch, but to be truly hungry.  Going Days with out food.  Watching your children go days with out food.

I am sure on this day, we will all overindulge.  Than when we are almost sick because we ate so much, its time for desert.  God has blessed us greatly in this country.  I do not mean to take this away from us.  Just asking that you give some thought to those without Today. Take a moment to pray for these Haitian people.

For $150, we have been providing for about 240 individual meals for children each month.  Not gourmet meals, however they are nutritious meals consisting of rice, beans and whatever is available on that given week.  We have decided to expand this to a second day of the week to include adults as well.  My point is that, for not a great deal of money, we can help the people of Northern Haiti.

One Hundred percent of all donated funds, go directly to help.  All administration expenses are paid by a private individual for us.  Not many organizations can claim that.  If you donated $20, that entire $20 would be used to buy food.

On this day, Count your many blessings.  Thank our Lord for the many things that make our life easier.  Thank God that you are able to help someone else.  Remember, You Have A Choice.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all from You Have A Choice Ministries

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