Sunday, November 11, 2012

Haiti Flooding

Just received word from our friend Deb.  As many of you know, Julienne is the missionary in Haiti we work with.  Dr Kerolle came to run our first time medical clinic.  Please keep them in prayer as this plays out.  I will pass on more news when I hear it.  The following is the email I received from our friend Deb.

Just got word from Julienne, she is stranded in Haiti in the massive new flooding that started on Thursday, she has been assisting many flood victims with funds she had for other projects and we are PRAYING that our suppo
rters will help replace these funds.
She and Dr. Kerolle did have the two clinics, but other programs had to be put on hold. The mission house was flooded somewhat on the first floor. She did help in Paulette, but could not make it out to Phaeton, the condition of D'Ouvre is not known at this time. Phaeton was hit very hard. Cap Haitien is also flooded massively, many have drowned. No report yet from our orphanage, but I am sure she would have said something if it was in danger The orphanage has a flat rooftop with two staircases.

Will keep you updated as I get news. Julienne will try to come back to the D.R. today. Keep her in prayer. Thank you.

Natural Disasters List November 10, 2012-Flooding in Haiti kills 16

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