Thursday, November 1, 2012

 You Have A Choice Ministries is a Christian organization, based on faith in Jesus Christ, serving the countries of Haiti & the Dominican Republic. Through donations, we are able to assist pastors & orphanages in these countries. 100 percent of all funds raised are used to directly help the people. Due to a large percentage of relief supplies being sold on the black market, we have found the only true way to help these people is by using our connections of pastors & missionaries that live among the people. It is a sad reality of the corruption in these countries.

    The key to survival in these areas is through, education, proper nutrition and safe healthy water, a skill or trade and faith in Jesus Christ as a personal Savior. We are committed to this area by partnering up with the local pastors and Christian leaders.  Through these leaders, we are able to assist people with starting a cottage industry, emergency food funding, and assistance with emergencies when they happen.

  A Christian organization, we are not linked to any one particular church or denomination. We base our ministry in Haiti on the Word of God, highlighting the good news of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are devoted to ministering in His love promoting support and feeding programs, as we can, along with other comforts to alleviate some of the every-day suffering among the people He has sent us to.

    We are open to other opportunities as they arise and try to stay flexible with assistance. There are many ways to help. From sponsoring a specific project like a food program, education, starting a business, sending a short term mission in to the field or contribute to emergency fund. Prayer partners are also desired as we constantly seek prayer that God will open doors for us to help these people where it is needed most.

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