Saturday, November 17, 2012

Weekend Haiti Feeding Project

Thinking about all the kids that had a meal Today, thanks to the Saturday Feeding Program. Looking to expand this next month to Sunday as well. This will be after church, anyone is welcome, not just the kids. This is a great opportunity to feed them spiritually & physically. We need to raise about $200 to get this program started. Unsure what the average monthly cost will be as there will be more fed than the kids program on Saturday. We will have to be flexible and adjust as needed. Food will be same type as on Saturday with a rice & bean base, and extra as it is available. Won't you consider hoping on board with this program?  It is such a blessing to be able to be a part of this project.  100 percent of all funds go directly to our projects.  We have been so fortunate to have Julienne help us with these projects.  She has many connections in this village & visits it often.  It is so reassuring to know that the funds go directly to the cause.  Many large organizations do a lot of great work, but you just never are 100 percent sure if your donation is making it where it is intended to go.

I am amazed at the doors that our God has opened for us.  How many young nonprofits have so many projects in place so early.  It is God, nothing or no one else, who has made this happen.  For that I am forever thankful. I am so happy to be a part of this ministry.

We are always looking for people or corporations to partner with us on projects.  We need prayer partners that will keep our ministry in prayer. We love talking about Haiti, so if there is something on your mind, let us know.   You Have A Choice Ministries

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